We present the 20 winning proposals of the RE-CENTRE open call

Submitted by Julio Rodrigo on 29 October 2023


These are the proposals that will be funded by EUROCLUSTERS RE-CENTRE. A total of 20 projects that will receive €52,000 each (€1,040,000 in total) for creating/adopting new collaboration models that include digital and/or greening innovations and/or technologies in the furnishings-living spaces sector.

Congratulations to the 41 SMEs (20 proposals, 7 EU countries) that will receive funding and thank the other 54 SMEs (27 proposals) for their participation to the open call.

n RE-CENTRE there are four clusters involved: CSM - dID, AMBIT - Living Spaces Cluster, CLUJ IT Cluster and Green Synergy Cluster.

Follow us and our activities on our LinkedIn website: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurecentre/

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