SILEO Talent placement projects - beneficiary SMEs: ECO BLUE SRL

Submitted by Fabiola Simeoni on 05 June 2024

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SILEO Open Call for Talent Placement Projects

Congratulations to ECO BLUE SRL an SME from the furniture sector, who has been awarded under the SILEO Open Call for Talent Placement Projects!

Eco Blue SRL, situated in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is an SME operating within the sector of Furniture and Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers. As Foam serves as an essential ingredient in furniture production, ECO BLUE’s ambition is to become a leader in recycled foam production in Romania by implementing innovative technologies and processes. By offering high-quality recycled foam as an alternative, they aim to revolutionise the furniture industry's approach to materials sourcing and waste management.

👉 Visit their social media page HERE!

SILEO Talent Placement Project

The SILEO Talent Placement Project is an opportunity for ECO BLUE SRL to attract a new Talent with fresh perspectives, actively contributing to dynamic ongoing and planned projects that align with the company's strategic initiatives in digitalization and sustainability.

The selected Talent will collaborate in the R&D department, in strong connection with the production office. Their responsibilities will include digitizing existing models, driving innovation, and creating new designs. This Talent Placement project will be instrumental in incorporating circular economy principles into ECO BLUE furniture development process. The talent will lead the exploration of sustainable materials, implementation of recycling strategies and integration of advanced digital tools. This will involve leveraging technologies such as IoT, AR, and VR to further enhance the digitalization of furniture products.

ECO BLUE SRL will receive indirect funding (€ 4.000) from the European Union’s Single Market Programme through the SILEO project (GA N.101074564).

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