Deliverable: Portfolio of RESIST Upskilling Services for SMEs

Submitted by Diana Lago on 25 August 2023


The RESIST Upskilling Services for SMEs, Start-ups and very small businesses (VSBs) portfolio aims to provide training programs that will help SMEs, Start-ups and VSBs navigate the rapidly changing economy, specifically towards green and digital transition. The portfolio is based on findings from desk research and a survey conducted within European SMEs, Startups and VSBs in the Mobility-Transport-Automotive (MTA) ecosystem, as documented in the deliverables D2.1 and D5.1.
The portfolio recognises the importance of developing skills and competencies that are relevant to the transition towards a green and digital economy. It seeks to bridge the gap between the current workforce and the requirements of the green and digital economy by providing accessible, practical, and relevant training programs.

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