xBUILD-EU starts with the goal to support TEXTILE and CONSTRUCTION innovation to foster the twin transition
xBUILD-EU- Cross-fertilization of industrial ecosystems in textile manufacturing and construction leveraging digital and advanced technologies to build up green and digital resilience in Europe has officially started with its kick-off meeting held in Barcelona on September 1st and 2nd 2022. xBUILD-EU will build an EU strategic partnership focused on cross-sectoral collaboration across textile, construction and advanced technologies to support the deployment of green solutions and a more digital Europe that enables making building safer with smart safety wear and high-performing materials, more energy efficient and green using sustainable textile materials and cross-fertilizing circular economy between construction and textile, eco designed, and connected using smart textiles and advanced technologies.
The project will run until August 2025. xBUILD-EU has received funding from SMP programme under Grant Agreement No 101074415.
The xBUILD-EU consortium integrates five European clusters: AEI Tèxtils in Catalonia as project coordinator, ATEVAL in Valencia, CITEVE in Portugal, TUS in Ireland and CCS in Slovenia.
The project has a total budget of 1.4 M€ from which 1.050M€ are directly targeted to support SMEs to innovate with 3 mechanisms including through two open calls for proposals.
The project will also organize a set of webinars prior to each call for proposals to facilitate the generation of project ideas such as collaborative workshops, info-day organized for the call after its opening. All activities of the project will be mainly conducted directly in the 4 participating countries: Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Slovenia. Nevertheless, the use of remote collaboration tools will facilitate interaction throughout any SMP country, particularly during the presentation of cascade funding opportunities (open to any SMP country).
Textile, construction and advanced technologies
All three sectors involved in xBUILD-EU will deliver a cross-fertilization towards smart living solutions by promoting safety (wear, digital tools for monitoring, construction methodologies, technical and smart textiles for safety and construction operators), facilitating connectivity through digital technologies (from user through garments, to domotics or home automation and smart buildings) and greener through new materials.