A successful end of the successful project: PERMIDES

Submitted by D.B.R.K. Gupta Udatha on 17 June 2018

PERMIDES is one out of five European INNOSUP-1-2015 – Cluster facilitated projects for new value chains projects (funded under EC Call for proposal: H2020-INNOSUP-2015-1). Six clusters from three countries and two industrial IT partners form the PERMIDES consortium. The PERMIDES consortium was awarded EUR 4.8 million from the EU’s Horizon2020 programme. 75% of the total amount, i.e. EUR 3.7 million, will directly benefit SMEs, with EUR 3 million to be handed out via innovation vouchers. Within PERMIDES project, biopharma and ICT clusters joined together to address specific challenges for SMEs to go digital with a precision medicine product or service in the biopharma space.

A successful project comes to an end..... PERMIDES Final Conference took place on 12th June 2018 in Utrecht, gathering experts from biopharma and IT sector. The event was organised in conjunction with Benulux Precision Medicine Forum.

PERMIDES supported the trend-setting tandem projects between SMEs of the biopharmaceutical industry and IT companies. During the final conference, the consortium released the brochure that contains the description of the innovation projects supported by PERMIDES and the achievements.

A big thank you not only to the SMEs that implemented innovation projects, but particularly to the entire PERMIDES consortium. And also a big thank you to our EU project officer that supported us to make this project a success nurturing the innovation in SMEs.

Digital technologies and new business models based on them offer manifold novel medical services with new forms of improved access to a wider range of population. PERMIDES supported more than 160 innovation projects in this area. The final conference showcased the most successful projects and helped in bringing together the involved experts and innovation drivers.

PERMIDES offered different types of vouchers to SMEs allowing them to tackle and solve challenges at specific levels of complexity. The voucher funding scheme of PERMIDES was aimed at SMEs from the biopharmaceutical sector developing novel personalized medicine products and solutions (e.g. biotech/medtech companies, diagnostics companies, CROs, biobank companies, bioinformatic companies). Only biopharma SMEs, together with IT SMEs, according to the EU definition and established in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries could submit the proposals for funding provided by PERMIDES.

Cooperation and Speed of the processes are key factors for the success of PERMIDES, which funded innovation projects with a maximum duration of half a year. The success of PERMIDES is further supported by the comparatively short review process of a maximum of three months between application submission and funding commitment.

In the end, seen from the perspective of participating SMEs, 93 unique SMEs benefited from innovation vouchers as direct beneficiaries or subcontractors, and 73 unique SMEs benefited from consultancy vouchers as direct beneficiaries or subcontractors. In total SMEs from 18 European countries were involved in the projects. 

The PERMIDES project database recently went LIVE for public. There you will not only find extensive information about the projects, but also about the project partners. Take a look at this information source and see for yourself the innovative solutions of European SMEs.

Cluster organisation
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