Strategy for the Strengthening of the Clusters in the Danube Region
In spite of numerous efforts to develop clusters successful as those in other European regions, there are still many challenges in front of the cluster policies in the Danube region. Lack of political commitment, stable funding, and awareness of the clusters' role in regional development are the most common in almost all of the 14 member states. Can we change this?
As generators of innovation, higher employment, and growth, clusters play an important role in the EU economy. Their role is emphasized in all EU macro-regional strategies, including the EU strategy for the Danube region which was launched in 2010. The 14 member states differ in terms of their development, especially when it comes to innovation performance. Clusters have the potential to resolve the disbalance and increase regional competitiveness, and this is why the development of clusters is strongly supported also by the EUSDR.
In the past 9 years, the Strategy has given a framework that led to several cluster projects. One of the unexpected but common results of those projects is a fact that in spite of the development of clusters in the Danube region in recent years, there are still challenges, which are mainly connected with the issues such as funding difficulties, the lack of long-term political commitment and awareness on the importance of the clusters' role in the regional development.
This is why the Working Group "Clusters and Regional Development", established within the Priority Area 8 "Competitiveness of Enterprises" of the EUSDR, is launching this Initiative to develop a cluster strategy which will be focused on facing challenges which are specific for the development of the clusters along the Danube Region. We invite all clusters and relevant stakeholders of the regional and industrial development to join the initiative and support clusters of the Danube region on their way towards strengthening the SMEs and industrial development of their regions.
The signing ceremony will be organized in the framework of the international workshop Role of Clusters in the Regional Development, which is organized on 3rd December in Dubrovnik (Croatia).
More information about the workshop and registration link...
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