PVF welcomes CLUSTEM delegation
On June 6th and 7th, Pole Véhicule du Futur welcomed a delegation of the CLUSTEM project aiming at learning about cluster excellence management.Three textile and one machinery cluster came together in this european project with aim to boost their competencies in management and services provided to associated SMEs, and to do networking and launch international cooperation:
- Next Technology Texcnotessile Società Nazionale di Ricerca r.l (NTT, Italy)
- Asociación de Empresarios textiles de la Comunidad Valenciana (ATEVAL, Spain)
- Huddersfield & District Textile training Company Limited (HTTC, U.K.)
- Is ve Insaat Makineleri Kumelenme dernegi (WCM, Turkey)
On the agenda: Visit of NSC Schlumberger, discussions and exchanges on best practices in cluster management, meeting with the Pole Textile Alsace and finally a visit of the textile laboratory LPMT of the Mulhouse University.
Cluster organisation