POLREC project survey : We need your experience in the field of plastics recycling
In the frame of POLREC project, we would like to collect feedback from plastics and recycling industries in Europe on their activity, challenges and needs in the future.
Are you an enterprise working in the field of plastics recycling? Do you use raw materials from recycled plastics in your production? Please, give us your feedback and share your experience by answering this short survey (10 minutes): https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/GNCPD6W.
The results of this survey serve as an initial assessment of the European plastic waste streams and of the European industries' interests and needs related to this topic. The information obtained will be used to plan specific actions as we will offer direct support to you as a company, for example in terms of participation in training courses and visits to trade fairs or professional congresses. Direct funding is also available for testing innovative processes in the recycling environment including the implementation of digital solutions.
If you encounter any difficulty, please contact Daniela Adelhelm : adelhelm@wfgheilbronn.de.