PAMIS: Personalized additive manufactured implants for scoliosis treatment
PAMIS is one of the 50 ACTTiVAte selected projects resulting from the advanced technologies transfer among aerospace and health sectors.
In severe cases of scoliosis surgery may be needed to prevent progression and/or correct the spine curve to avoid physical problems. Scoliosis surgery is linked to the implantation of standard straight/flat metallic straps (titanium, Cr/Co), with several holes, screwed to the spine. The position and number of straps is defined by the expertise of the surgeon. 3D digital model and structure optimization has been a challenge in the aerospace industry for the last 20 years. Scoliosis surgery implants could be functional, shape and topologically optimized, always looking for a uniform stress distribution.
Thanks to the possibility of working with 3D scan CAD models of the spine, finite element modeling and design optimization techniques can be applied. This new concept of optimized implants can help to improve these cases of severe scoliosis improving the rate on the life quality test for the patients and giving economical savings to the health system due to the reduction of post surgery issues. It is as well an opportunity to take advantage of the “digital twin” concept to prepare scoliosis surgery and implants. This pairing of the virtual and physical worlds allows heading off problems before they even occur in the surgery. The virtual human model concept and new definition of bio-inspired 3D printed parts for scoliosis could open the way to the definition of other lines of orthopedic implants and the application of materials better suited to the specific stress to correct in each case.
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