OPEC: Offshore Platform for Energy Competitiveness project conclusions

Submitted by Sarah Johnson on 14 February 2019

The 15 month OPEC (Offshore Platform for Energy Competitiveness) feasibility project has produced a number of conclusions and recommendations which may be taken forward if further funding can be sourced.

OPEC, explored the technical and economic feasibility of using large offshore floating platforms to support various combinations of revenue generating applications such as renewable energy (wind, wave and current), generation, aquaculture and security and surveillance.

The project concluded that it is technically feasible to combine certain marine energy devices with other activities such as aquaculture in order to reduce the overall costs of build and operation of multi-use platforms at sea. However, the project also found that the economic viability of such a platform remains challenging and further work would be required to optimise the design and bring together the right combination and scale of marine energy and other revenue generating activities.

We were delighted to hear that our work on projects to reduce the installation and operating costs of offshore platforms, including OPEC, recently won the Rushlight Wind Power Award. The Rushlight Show and Cleantech Conference was organished by Rushlight Events and sponsored by Innovate UK and others.

To read the summary of the OPEC project findings please visit:

OPEC was co-funded by Innovate UK through the Energy Catalyst Early Stage Feasibility Fund.

To find out more about other related projects to do with Offshore Platforms at Sea please visit https://www.offshoreplatforms.eu/

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