MESAP @ “Industry, Partnerships - a new impetus” event Brussels
MESAP @ “Industry, Partnerships - a new impetus” event
26th -27th June 2018 Brussels
On 26th June, MESAP joined Industry, Partnerships - a new impetus, a 2 days event organised by the European Commission's Directorate General for Research & Innovation. The event was opened by the Director General, Mr Jean-Eric Paquet and speakers from industry, European institutions and Member States focusing on their expectations for these partnerships, as well as the impact of the digital, low carbon and circular economy on manufacturing and processing.
In particularly the aim of the conference focused on the discussion about the role of industrial contractual partnerships in the future, the development of a clear concept for these European partnerships under the "Horizon Europe" EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation (2021-2027) and lastly on European industry-driven priorities in manufacturing, processing, construction, ICT and automotive.
The second day took place Factories of the Future Community Day, a brokerage event centered on the Factories of the Future 2019 call to present and discuss the call topics and to facilitate brokerage around them. The event included pitches by organisations who intended to lead a project proposal or who were seeking to join a project proposal. FoF Community Day has been an occasion for MESAP, who is EFFRA member, to network, exchange knowledge and make new contacts.
Discover more about the agenda here and the speakers’ biographies here