MESAP and Smart Integrated Trademark
Smart Systems Integrated® trademark: Early bird fee 50% until 30th June
Mesap promotes Smart Systems Integrated® trademark , a Collective European Union Trademark useful for your research results and products (hardware), created by EPoSS. The trademark provides you with the following benefits: Immediate recognisability of your products’ smartness Giving a technical quality assurance to products, demonstrators and prototypes. Adding value if you want to upgrade your research results or differentiate your product (strategic for SMEs) Distinctive prototyping: for the first time, you have the opportunity to differentiate you prototype from all the others Strengthening and measuring the impact generated by Smart Systems Integrated co-funded projects (H2020, FP9, national, regional, …). Purpose of the Trademark To increase the consciousness and the perceived technological and economic value of products and research outputs characterised by SSI in the entire ecosystem. Typical Smart Systems Technologies Design and simulation, micro-nano-bio-Systems, MEMS, MOEMS, microfluidics, Semiconductors and More-than-Moore, microsensors, microactuators, combinational sensing, large area sensors and actuators, multifunctional materials, energy management and scavenging, opto/organic/bio data processing, adaptive surfaces, machine cognition and HMI, other (…).This definition comes from the EPoSS SRA . Who can request the Trademark? European individuals (makers, students, professors, professionals, citizens), companies, universities, research centres, other legal entities, not necessarily associated to any organisation. For further details and to request the trademark visit the website or contact trademark [at] (trademark[at]mesap[dot]it) Discover more on MESAP Innovation Cluster
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