Lightweight made in Europe at the event organized by MECH

Submitted by Agnieszka Dąbrowska on 12 May 2021


Last week, on May 5, 2021 one of our partners Clust-ER MECH organized an online event: “Industrial lightweighting technology developments: a European perspective and materials applications in Emilia-Romagna”. More than 80 people registered and more than 60 people connected to follow the meeting. During it we could promote our project and show what we are currently working on.

At the beginning of the event was a presentation about a scenario on lightweight processes at European level. After that participants had the opportunity to get acquainted to our project for the internationalization of the "Lightweight made in Europe" competences. It was an occasion to present the objectives and the ongoing activities of the ELCA Internationalization project and also deepen the opportunities offered by the ELCA Network.

The meeting then focused on the presentation of lightweighting solutions through the application of innovative polymeric materials and new metal alloys for additive manufacturing, with the contribution of international guests.

The initiative was organized by Clust-ER MECH, promoted by MAMM-ER – the working group dedicated to advanced materials - and our ELCA Internationalization project. More information about the event you can find on MECH’s website.

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