Let us know about YOUR experiences with the Competitiveness of SMEs Programme (COSME) and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP
Did you participate in projects or make use of services for SMEs provided under the COSME programme (2014-2020) or the EIP programme (2007-2013)?
If so, please help us to improve our future SME support by replying to one or both surveys:
Competitiveness of SMEs programme (COSME) Survey - who should respond?
- Businesses that benefited from finance from the COSME Loan Guarantee Facility and/or the Equity Facility for Growth and financial intermediaries for these facilities
- Enterprise Europe Network members, Intermediary organisations for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Clusters organizations that participated in Clusters go International or Clusters excellence
- Participants in COSME projects for tourism, social economy, strategic alliances for uptake of advanced technologies, public procurement of innovation
- Businesses that made use of services such as the Enterprise Europe Network, the International IP Help Desks, the EU Japan Centre
- Entrepreneurs that benefited from Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchanges
- Service providers, authorities and stakeholders who were involved in studies and other work to monitor SME performance, and related events supported by the EIP programme
- Other businesses, stakeholders and authorities involved in the COSME programme.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) survey – who should respond?
- Businesses that benefited from finance from the High Growth and Innovative SME Facility (GIF) or the SME Guarantee facility (SMEG), and financial intermediaries for these facilities.
- Participants in EIP projects for promoting innovation in Enterprises (INNOVA and PRO-INNO Europe actions) and EIP eco-innovation projects
- Service providers, authorities and stakeholders involved in studies and other work to monitor SME performance, and related events supported by the EIP programme
- Enterprise Europe Network members, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Intermediary Organisations
- Other businesses, stakeholders and authorities involved in this programme.
Thanks in advance for your kind support! This will help us to improve our future measures for SMEs under the Single Market Programme SME Pillar!
Cluster organisation