Less than two weeks left until the International Danube Energy+ Day!

Submitted by Dianka Alexieva on 15 January 2020

The First International Danube Energy+ Day is coming up in less than two weeks!

The first of its kind International Danube Energy+ Day will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany on the 28th of January. The international event is targeted at sharing the successes of Danube Energy+, connecting key players across the whole region and sparking challenging discussions about the future of energy in Europe. 

The first International Danube Energy+ Day will be held jointly with LEARNTEC - a conference held for the 28th time in 2020, which annualy gathers more than 300 exhibitors and 250 speakers. With over 11,600 international professional visitors and convention participants from 31 countries in 2019, LEARNTEC is Europe's #1 event in digital learning.

LEARNTEC also offers a broad variety of side-events linked to the topic “learning and education”; one of these side-events in 2020 will be the 1st Danube Energy+ International Day. During the event, the developed Danube Energy+ training scheme and learning package will be presented. In addition to this, the day will be comprised of lectures, given by European leaders in the fields of energy, entrepeneurship and innovation.

The highlight of the day will be the official launch of the Open Call to Pilot the Danube Energy+ Tool, targeted at young people with innovative ideas for sustainability.

Join the International Danube Energy+ Day to meet leaders in the field and innovative actors, and to learn more about how you can benefit from the initiative. Many speakers already confirmed their participation, for example:

  • Bror Salmelin, former Advisor of DG Grow (European Commission) on the importance of innovation for the energy transition
  • Prof.Dr.ir. Frank Gielen, EIT InnoEnergy Education Director - on the role of Data science for Energy Transmission
  • Marie-Eve Reinert, Steinbeis - will pressent successful startup

For more information, go to: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/danube-energy

Make sure to register for the event here: https://info.innoenergy.com/danube-energy!

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