INNO-DROP will organize Peer learning webinars to share clusters experience at European funding Schemes
INNO-DROP project intends to organize Peer Learning Webinars (PLW) in response to the need of knowledge transfer and valorisation of its activities. It will be a mean for cross-cluster learning between INNO-DROP consortia and also collaborate with other cluster organizations. Four webinars will be organized from September 2017 to September 2018.
First PLW is focused on cross-cluster cooperation and matchmaking and funding possibilities. INNO-DROP consortia is actively looking for clusters interested in sharing their own experiences in european funding schemes that target clusters (specific calls at COSME, H2020 - INNOSUP 01, INTERREG, ERASMUS+).
INNO-DROP consortia offers to explain their own experience in COSME Excellence and COSME Clusters Go international calls, with up to six succesful experiences (funded projects) from water clusters and KET clusters.
If you have succeded in one of the former programmes and you are ready to share your experience and learn from others too, contact cpresa [at] (cpresa[at]zinnae[dot]org) to join us.