Inclusio To Create 80 Jobs After 6.2 Million Euro Investment

Submitted by Lauren Scally on 26 May 2023


Cluster member and tech-startup, inclusio, has announced plans to create 80 jobs on the back of a €6.2m funding investment in the unique diversity and inclusion platform. inclusio is the first ever platform that provides a scientific approach to Diversity and Inclusion. They have ambitions to be Ireland’s first female-founded tech Unicorn!

On the back of this latest funding round and to fuel further growth, inclusio will create the 80 jobs in the next 18-24 months. The additional team members will help inclusio to expand into new markets and to build on its existing customer base which already includes Sodexo, RSA Insurance Ireland,, FBD insurance, Linesight, Kilsaran, Public Appointments Service, IPB insurance and Teagasc. The new roles are in Technology, Sales and Marketing.

Sandra Healy, CEO and Founder, inclusio said:

“There is nothing else like inclusio in the world. In 2016, inclusio set out to solve a problem and bring a scientific-evidenced approach for employers to listen to the collective voice of their people and to measure, track and act on Diversity and Inclusion. Our software helps organisations pinpoint and focus Diversity and Inclusion actions in a more strategic way. We are now beginning to create international and sector benchmarks — with a focus on leading the way globally in this space.”

“This funding and jobs boost will further help us on our journey of scaling our team and offering our knowledge and expertise to ensure companies can get Diversity and Inclusion right and ensure that it’s not a tickbox exercise. I’d like to acknowledge the support of Enterprise Ireland in backing inclusio from the beginning. Enterprise Ireland’s funding of the research and development into inclusio were the building blocks of the platform. I’d also like to thank our range of investor funding which will drive our growth strategy over the next 18 months.”

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