IDEEO Success Story

Submitted by Natassa Antoniou on 17 December 2018

Successful follow-up from IDEEO B2B matchmaking event in Matera: ALSIA, Cantina di Venosa and Planetek Italia srl collaborative project for smart viticulture in Basilicata.

Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di Innovazione in Agricoltura (ALSIA), the public agency of Basilicata for Research and Development in the agrofood sector, particularly active in precision agriculture development; Cantina di Venosa, one of the most important wine producer cooperative in South Italy, comprising more than 400 producers active in the production of the excellent Aglianico del Vulture DOC; and Planetek Italia srl, an Italian company focused on Earth observation technology, including agricultural applications, entered a collaboration for precision viticulture in the production area of Vulture.

The project aims at improving the quality of wine production by classifying the productive areas via the prediction of harvest time based on satellite imaging data.

ALSIA and Cantine di Venosa are members of Cluster Lucano di Bioeconomia (CLB) and Planetek Italia srl is a member of EARSC (the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies), two clusters partner of the IDEEO project, focusing on international development of EO companies in agrofood and marine domains.

The collaboration is a result of the B2B matchmaking event held in Matera, Italy, last April 2018 in the context of the first IDEEOworkshop “SMART IS THE NEW GREEN.
The event explored EO applications for the smart agriculture sector, and gave the IDEEO partners the chance to meet the agricultural world of Basilicata (entrepreneurs, consultants, professionals), along with companies involved in the field of Earth observation that develop applications for precision farming. Furthermore, the event hosted a B2B matchmaking activity, during which technology developers and farmers had the chance to meet and discuss about possible collaborations.

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