ICT Cluster Bulgaria was hosting a twining seminar on standards
The event was organized by ICT Cluster Bulgaria, Small Business Standards (SBS) and European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) on 25-26 January 2018.
The seminar was part of a broader SBS campaign on trainings for SME associations and ICT clusters in order to upgrade their knowledge and understanding of the European standardisation system and, in particular, of the ETSI specifications.
The exercise allowed participants to share and identify good practices in reaching out and involving SMEs in standardization.
The event was attended by representatives and experts from SBS, ETSI, CEN, CENELEC, European Commission, French Standardization Association, representatives of universities, ICT clusters and ICT associations from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Romania, Greece, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo.
Pictures and presentations from the event could be found here: http://ictcluster.bg/en/current/news/%D1%82wining-seminar-standards-sofia-bulgaria/