The FIT4FoF project celebrates its final event at SIF2021

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 15 November 2021

base gráficas-07

The European project FIT4FoF comes to an end after three years of work, and it does so through the celebration of a final event to learn and listen to the results obtained during this time, within the programme of the Skillman International Forum 2021.

This final event will be preceded by a face-to-face workshop, on Thursday 18 at 13:00h in Lisbon, which will consist of experience and training on the co-design method of train-the-trainer developed in the FIT4FoF project: iCoED. This session is addressed to teachers, researchers, industry managers, HR professionals or any other person interested in the development of upskilling programmes and courses. In addition, in order to make the session more dynamic and allow everyone to interact, it will be limited to 20 participants.

Finally, the final event of the project can be followed online and in person, on Thursday 18 at 15:30, also in Lisbon, where the project partners will share the results obtained since the start of the project in 2018. At this plenary it will be presented the future industry scenarios and skills that have been derived from the project, the research carried out on job profiles and the results of the educational pilots developed by four of the partners in their specific contexts, all using the iCoED method.

Of course, as promised, during this event there will also be an award for the best European upskilling initiative. It will be selected from the 53 initiatives that have been submitted and approved in the FIT4FoF Digital Upskilling Initiatives Catalogue since the start of the project.

These events will be included in the extensive programme of the Skillman International Forum 2021, which takes place over four days online and presential between the cities of Bologna (Italy) and Lisbon (Portugal). Now, in its seventh edition, this forum is a long journey in which participants seek to achieve common goals that improve education and technical and vocational education and training, making it an ideal event for FIT4FoF.

To register for the final FIT4FoF event and the train-the-trainer workshop you must register on the Skillman website at this link:

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