European Sustainable Development Week
In 2018.05.30 we organized the Sustainable Fashion and Textile Industry event in the framework of the European Sustainable Development Week, where the Transylvania Textile & Fashion Cluster analyzed together with various professionals the current state of the textile industry, the fashion’s future, the future of the next generation, the promotion of sustainability and conscious shopping, and their place in education.
During the meeting, from the 17 Sustainable Development Global Goals defined by the UN we addressed the following:
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
The round table discussion was moderated by Anikó Ágnes Jánosi, fashion designer, the latest member of Transylvania Textile & Fashion Cluster. She described the theory of sustainable fashion and textiles and the circular economy model as an applicable alternative. She also presented the multifunctional sport outfits what were designed by her.
Éva Gászpor, president of the cluster, presented the cluster's strategy, the operational principles based on the coordination of the activities of different economic operators and the various activities of the cluster. Among others, Re-Fashion Starts In Schools event that calls for students to promote the idea of sustainability, and recycling in fashion.
Following this, Bogyó Sanda Mirela, the Transylvania Textile & Fashion Cluster Manager, presented the WORTH Project in which she represents Romania as a Project Ambassador.
The WORTH Partnership Project calls for collaboration between fashion designers, creative people, manufacturers, designers and innovative technology companies. They give 10,000 euros in support, coaching and consulting; product market positioning and branding; product development and participation in two international events and integration into the international networking system. Mirela is in the project in order to inspire young people in one of the following areas: design, self-employment, design laboratories and start-ups, craftsmen and manufacturers of technology companies; innovators, tech labs, tech providers to get into thinking and doing business.
According to Mirela, there is a responsability in the model and the direction we are showing to today's growing generation. It is important to draw your attention to the creation of sustainable and human working conditions, while at the same time there is a need for a responsible social approach.
Afer the moderation of Ágnes, it took place an informal conversation, where, among other things, Benkő Éva, the Ceo of Guzsalyas Alapítvány highlighted the importance of introducing different kinds of material at young age, so that young people could experience the difference between natural and artificially produced materials . In addition, Klára Fodor (ASIMCOV) presented briefly the Waldorf School Methodology as a good example in this regard.
In connection with this, Réka Incze, representative of the Sustainable Development Department, and Laura Kolumbán and Majós Andrea teachers from Mikes Kelemen Theoretical Lyceum, and Erzsébet Mátyás from Károly Kós Vocational College, commented on the applicability and relevance of the teaching methodology of the Sustainable Development Principles in light of the current textbook vocational education system for young people to stay home, to make the textile industry attractive.
As an example, the Basic Methods (SDGs) have been introduced in Germany, and a similar Romanian version is also available. In Germany, the provincial education ministers issued a framework plan in 2016 (based on the national results of the previous Sustainability Education Decade and it’s commitment to the Global Action Plan and the adopted UN Agenda 2030, ie FFC). Availability in English, German.
During the event, several commentators highlighted on the need for change in the current state of the textile industry. Several people agreed that the circular economic model could be guiding and, above all, the pursuit of waste prevention and recycling of existing waste. A deeper understanding of the concept is presented by the London Circular Economy Club.
Lajos Vajda, Executive Director of the Entrepreneurship Incubator House in Sepsiszentgyörgy, and ASIMCOV's Executive Director, has the concept of “intelligent tools”, if there are no or very few "intelligent people" who consciously use them. According to him, the change is at the capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Réka Kerekes, English and French Language Teacher initiated, that the Global Sustainable Development Goals should be introduced into the schools, so that students would be really familiar with the Global Principles of Sustainable Development.
The event, therefore, was a pleasant roundtable discussion where all participants had the opportunity to share their views on the topic by which the Fundamentals of Sustainable Development will be further promoted by the cluster management team.