EPICENTRE Project: Mission and motivation

Submitted by Joan Puate Puy on 11 April 2023

Creative team-pana

EPICENTRE goal is to develop a clear strategy for providing coherent support to SMEs by  fostering cross-sectoral and cross-border innovation to strengthen existing and emerging industries and improving the position of SMEs in global value chains through regional and industrial support.

This implies the need to look at systemic obstacles and barriers of the target value chains that may prevent their competitiveness in the regions from fully exploiting innovation-driven entrepreneurial opportunities. SMEs should be the main beneficiaries of  the innovation ecosystem fostered by clusters while clusters will play a central role being connected to all the stakeholders and providing input on the key performance areas and regions where SMEs can innovate.

The overall challenges that EPICENTRE aims to address are:

·       To develop new cross-sectoral industrial value chains across the EU, by building upon the innovation potential of SMEs, in a context of collaboration with Corporates and the integration of different  innovation actors and with the focus on reindustrialization for growth and job creation, developing a long-term internationally competitive supply (goods and services) based on innovative solutions. 

·       To help SMEs generate, take up and better capitalize on all forms of knowledge, creativity, craftsmanship and innovation, fostering their green and digital transformation.

·       To promote the role of clusters, as favourable ecosystems for innovation.

Among others, the expected impacts of EPICENTRE are:

·       To improve the resilience of the EU industrial ecosystems by developing value chains interlinkages in the EU single market;

·       Build capacity to increase strategic autonomy in the most critical supplies and technologies of their ecosystems, including upscaling of manufacturing facilities;

·       Reinforce transformation into a greener and more digital economy;

·       Foster up and re-skilling of the workforce whilst attracting talents;

·       Reconnect and boost access to global supply and value chains.

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