ENRICH in Brazil Innovation Challenge BR - EU: Call for Solutions is Open!
ENRICH in Brazil Opens the Call for Solutions
The global outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has hit us all. Not only sanitarily has the pandemic brought us into trouble, but several sectors are also suffering severely around the world from the economic situation caused by the preventive measures. This has an impact on all of us. ENRICH in Brazil has therefore launched its first Innovation Challenge, aimed at matching the needs of Brazilian non-for profit organisations with innovative and tailored solutions proposed by European companies and organisations.
Call for Solutions is Open!
With our Call for Challenges launched in June 2020, we received 30 challenges from Brazilian Non-Profit organisation form the public/civil sector, in need of innovative solutions to COVID-19 related challenges in the areas of Tourism & Leisure, Digitalization, and Sustainable Development.
The objective of the Innovation Challenge is to assist those non-profit organisations/companies that already have very scarce resources and offer them a unique service, scouting for innovative and tailored solutions to overcome their specific challenges.
ENRICH in Brazil has selected three challenges based on the criteria of Innovativeness, Scalability, Importancy, Urgency and Solvability and is now searching for innovative solutions from Europe! The Call for Solutions is open and we are looking for problem solvers from the European market!
For all details regarding the application and submission process of solutions as well as for the challenges to solve, you can read more at our website: https://bit.ly/2XVVirS.
Moreover, we will have an online seminar on the 3rd September 2020, 14.30 CET to explain all details and answer to your questions with regard to the submission of solutions. Participation is free, but registration is required: https://bit.ly/31RydHT.