The Catalan technical textiles cluster, AEI TÈXTILS, has started a new Project, in collaboration with LEITAT Technological Center, to promote eco-design in the textile sector.
This project, ECODISTEX, adds up to other projects coordinated by the cluster, which have the promotion of sustainability in the textile sector as mutual link: MIDWOR-LIFE, LIFE-FLAREX and PACTEX.
ECODISTEX’s goal is to provide eco-design knowledge support to the Catalan technical textiles industry in order to enable the incorporation of environmental criteria in product development. The foreseen project duration is 8 months.
The main activities that will be performed within the project are:
- Identification of typology and amounts of products manufactured by the companies in the technical textiles sector in order to detect the needs and opportunities of applying eco-design in those companies.
- Workshop to promote eco-design with focus on companies from the technical textiles cluster with the aim to facilitate the identification of potential improvements on their products.
- Product eco-design. The eco-design will be applied to three companies from the sector with different activities. During the eco-design process, a product will be selected, analyzed with an environmental assessment in order to determine actions to reduce the environmental impact associated with. The main result will be three products eco-designed within the value chain of the sector.
- Feasibility study. The eco-design proposals will be evaluated at technical, economic and environmental level in order to assure their feasibility with lowered environmental impact. A Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) will be performed to assess the environmental impact. The economic impact will be assessed based on substitution cost estimation to achieve the improved environmental performance (materials, processes, equipment costs…)
ECOSIDTEX is cofunded by ARC - the Waste Agency of Catalonia.
Cluster organisation