DIA joined the EU Industry Days : industrial challenges and opportunities
DIA took part in EU Industry Days 2019, Brussels 5-6th February organised by the European Commission and focused on the key industrial challenges such as sustainability, digitalisation, investment and globalisation. EU Industry Days gathered around 1,500 participants from across Europe and beyond, including stakeholders representing industry, trade unions, national and regional authorities, and civil society, providing input for future policy making.
DIA (GAIA) has been on stage with Cristina Murillo Gómez, Cluster Services Manager of Gaia together with iot4industry project and silicon europe alliance: they animated the workshop “Sustainable cross-cluster networking- a game changer for European Industry in a global digital economy” managed by Marc Pattinson Managing Director of inno TSD . The workshop focused on the key role of clusters and metacluster as “engines” to facilitate industrial competitiveness, cooperation between businesses, investors, universities and research centres.
DIA participation represents another brick to build a strategy to be competitive and “go international”, aligned to EU Industry policy , embracing technological change offered by digital industry and developing an innovative transnational collaborative approach focused on cross-sectorial collaboration to help SMEs to take part in international markets. As the EU President Jean Claude Juncker underlined ” The economy is transforming before our eyes. To succeed, we must be the first to adapt, the first to shape it. We are home to some of the world's best innovators and entrepreneurs”.
The Digital Industry Alliance (DIA) project is based on the need for developed countries in Europe, to revitalize their economy,
and review their production removing barriers to development and making the best use of new opportunities while addressing societal concerns.