Danish Inspiration
The CLUSTERIX 2.0 team visited the Design School in Kolding and Legoland in Billund where the Region of Southern Denmark and Design2Innovate showcased the systematic introduction of Strategic Use of Design in companies. On top the CLUSTERIX 2.0 community had the opportunity to experience co-creation in a Design Thinking Workshop and a do-it-yourself dinner.
The CLUSTERIX 2.0 “editor’s choice” of good practices presented in this semester is called “Public-Private Innovation Pool” : The Region of Southern-Denmark turned the fact that more than 90% of the region’s budget is dedicated to health care into the opportunity of bridging the innovation “death valley” for health tech products: The region set up an ERDF co-funded programme (PPI Pool) supporting companies to demonstrate and test their prototypes with public test users, mainly hospitals.
Á propos cross-fertilization: We would like to extend our special thanks to our colleagues from the CLUSTERS3 project for the great collaboration! In Kolding Jonas Bergholm (Region Skane) shared his learnings from the CLUSTERS3 conference on Monitoring & Evaluation of Clusters and David Fernandez (SPRI and CLUSTERS3 lead partner) was a real gain for the discussion of CLUSTERIX 2.0 practice cases.
With little effort our policy learning network has doubled and we are looking forward to further fruitful exchange!
If you are also interested in enlarging your network and learning about innovation policy instruments we recommend joining the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform meeting in Milan on 19-20 October 2017.