Cosmetics4Wellbeing strengthens its international connections
Last 18th of October 2018, Cosmetics4Wellbeing was at the heart of the international clusters network dedicated to innovation in cosmetics.
Cosmetics Clusters Rendez-vous is the anual meeting gathering clusters from the entire cosmetics value chain. 60 clusters representants from 17 countires met though BtoBs and presented their expertises. This event was definitely a key milestone for Cosmetics4Wellbeing to:
1/ Strenghen and develop our international connections with regards to our internationalization strategy
2/ Allow our consoritum to meet key international actors for innovation in cosmetics and give a perspective to our innovative value chain.
3/ Emphasise Cosmetics4Wellbeing project and achievments, with open disucssions to implement further collaboarations.
2018 group picture of Cosmetics Clusters Rendez-Vous