The competitiveness clusters ALPHA-RLH and the European Ceramic Cluster formalised their collaboration with the signature of a partnership agreement on the 24th of May 2018 in Limoges
The cluster ALPHA – Route des Lasers & des Hyperfréquences (ALPHA-RLH) and the European Ceramic Cluster signed a partnership agreement at the closing of the European Ceramic Cluster’s General Assembly held on May 24, 2018 in Limoges.
This partnership dedicated to ceramics follows the ambition to establish synergies on the Nouvelle-Aquitaine territory through common actions to facilitate and accelerate collaborative innovation between their networks. Ceramics have many applications in the field of optics/photonics and Ultra High Frequency components. Those have already led to both academic and industrial collaborations between actors from the ALPHA-RLH Cluster and the European Ceramic Cluster. This is particularly the case with the Sigma-Lim Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx in Limoges) which brings together the skills of the XLIM and IRCER research institutes in order to innovate in the field ceramic materials and components specific to smart integrated secure communicating systems. At the industrial level, the aim will be to foster the emergence of innovative solutions and the access to the international/export, in the service of the competitiveness and growth of the companies members of both clusters.