The Cluster4Smart consortium is proud and honoured of the label “Bonne pratique” (Good practice) attributed by the Erasmus+ Agency acknowledging the high quality of the project and of its training course!
The Cluster4Smart project, coordinated by SCS Cluster, ended in May 2020 and aimed at providing the European clusters’ managers and staff with training contents preparing them to the challenges of Industry 4.0 and to advise their members in this context.
For this matter, a consortium of partners joined successfully their forces linking the reality of the industrial world, the clusters’ experience, the academic world’s knowledge and pedagogy, and the expertise of the digital sector.
An online training platform in open access to all clusters’ and business networks’ staff, but also to students and any person willing to complete their skills in collective intelligence management to generate creativity and innovation from diverse stakeholders, and their knowledge of the key digital technologies revolutionising all industries.
The Cluster4Smart platform has been approved so far by 100% of its testers before its release. It has been recommended by more and more cluster managers and we advise to our cluster colleagues to use it as a tool for the integration of new staff members.
SCS Cluster is warmly thankful to their partners for their fruitful collaboration.
- ArchEnerg cluster for its study on the new competence needs of the cluster managers, on which is based the Cluster4Smart training path.
- The University of Strasbourg and the consultant gnomon whose expertise of cluster management led to the development of a solid training curriculum responding to the expressed needs.
The high competence-work performed by the pedagogical engineers and the audio-visual department of the University of Strasbourg to produce innovative e-learning contents appropriate for the business world is remarkable. - Amuebla cluster for the user-friendly and attractive e-learning platform which valorises the produced training contents.