CELIS White Papers: Four life-science ecosystems to watch and connect to!

Submitted by Annalisa Zuccotti on 14 December 2021

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CELIS is a ESCP-4x partnership that helps clusters, networks and business and innovation support organisations to maximize opportunities linked to cross-sectoral and inter-regional cooperation and internationalisation.
When the project kicked-off two years ago, SARS-CoV-2 virus, was just a name. Few weeks later became a difficult reality. Clusters acquired in these difficult times, even more importance than before. Clusters have been the engine for cooperation, creativity, repurposing and supply chain stability.
In our CELIS Partnership, each cluster listen and supported its own members, but also exchanged intensively with other cluster through the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), European Cluster Alliance (ECA), Scanbalt, and Council of European BioRegions (CEBR).
CELIS planned a dedicated Cluster Management Training, by establishing cross-cluster learning activities based on sharing of best practices and by using experiential learning methodologies like “on-the-job” cluster management training. Thus, striving jointly to higher levels of cluster management excellence by learning through reflections on doing and applying learnings to the regional cluster level.
The work performed within the training led to refinement and in depth-analysis of existing strategies and the preparation of four “White papers”. Those papers highlight how cluster collaboration can foster benefits to stakeholders, in particular SMEs, in terms of internationalisation, growth and cooperation.

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