CEIV is contributing to the definition of a roadmap on Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Materials for Mould and Plastic industries
This technological roadmap is elaborated under the development of SAMT SUDOE project where CEIV (Cluster de Empresas Innovadoras del Valle del Juguete) is working with its partners CENTIMFE, ICMCB, AIJU and IVACE. The roadmap will give an insight into the state of the art, trends and developments in the Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Materials of Mould and Plastic industries in France, Portugal and Spain.
For this purpose, various activities are being undertaken such as:
- Survey to companies and RTDs to know the situation of the sector in this field.
- Document analysis
- Workshops in the three countries to gather new ideas for developments and problems from the companies.
CEIV organised the Spanish workshop last May in ACTIU company facilities in Castalla (Alicante) where more than 40 professionals of the sector attended.
The roadmap will be published and distributed during the last trimester of the year 2017. SAMT SUDOE Project is developed in the framework of the Interreg Sudoe Programme funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
For more information related with the roadmap and the project: www.samtsudoe.com - info [at] samtsudoe.com (info[at]samtsudoe[dot]com)