Bronze ZINNAE towards Cluster excellence
ZINNAE (Aragonese Water Cluster from the north-east Spain) has received the Bronze Label accreditation by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis in January 2017. This accreditation sets the path towards Cluster excellence and initiaties a roadmap for improvement in the comming two years.
ZINNAE participates in the COSME INNO-DROP project, ZINNAE's framework for working in Cluster excellence Management. The project “INNOvation and Development in cluster excellence and cOoperative Partnerships” (INNO-DROP) started in 2016 and is based on the ambition to strengthen cluster management excellence leading to sustainable long-term cross-cluster and cross-border collaboration. The consortia is composed of four European clusters nano-, plasma technology-, sensor and membrane- and water technology integrators (Nanoprogres, Balticnet-Plasmatec, WSM and ZINNAE) directly involved in two COSME funded European Strategic Cluster Partnerships (ESCPs AdPack and EnW) and each of consortia member is from different country with a different level of cluster excellence.
ZINNAE thus is involved in two projects funded by COSME: Energy in Water ESCP-4i and INNO-DROP. There are only six cluster organizations in Spain that participate simultaneously in projects for Excellence and Internationalization.
More information available here: