Boosting the internationalisation of 3.100 European SMEs by four European Strategic Cluster Partnerships (ESCP-4i)
European Cleantech Internationalization Initiative - EC2i; Mobility Goes International-in Action – MobiGoIn - Action; European Strategic Cluster Partnership for Advanced Smart Packaging - AdPack² and New Frontiers in Food-Fast Forward - NF4 signed a Memorandum of Understanding in order to share resources, good practices and lessons learned for boosting the internationalisation and support of innovation uptakes primarily to Chinese and US American markets.
The collaboration of these partnerships started on the kick-off meeting in October 2018 during the official meeting of European ESCPs in Brussels organized by the European Commission. Since there many virtual collaboration meetings were held and useful resources were shared such as relevant contacts, templates of documents for getting effective feedback from companies, agendas of internationalisation webinars and events etc. The partnerships also learned from the good practices and mistakes in order to more effectively support their members toward internationalisation. Furthermore the power of the newly created network of this ecosystem was leveraged and more SMEs and innovation actors were attracted to participate on joint specialised webinars and other supporting actions.
The newly-born cross-ESCP consortia include in its structure 20 cluster organisations (Baden Württemberg: Connected e.V., MOV'EO, Fondazione Torino Wireless, Media Evolution Southern Sweden, FoodValleyNL, VALORIAL, Wagralim, Asociación Clúster Alimentario de Galicia, Vitagora, TENERRDIS, Green Tech Cluster Styria, Sustainable Business Hub, TWEED, CLEAN, Packaging Cluster, Nanoprogress z.s., PLASTIWIN, InovCluster - Associação do Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro, BalticNet-PlasmaTec e.V. and Secured Communicating Solutions cluster) reaching more than 3.100 European SMEs.