Basque Energy Cluster companies meet with AVANGRID in New Haven
On 27 June, representatives of eight of the Basque Energy Cluster companies (Ariadna, Arteche, IK4-Ikerlan, Ingeteam, Indar, Ormazábal, Tecnalia, ZIV), of Iberdrola and of the Basque Energy Cluster itself visited the main offices of AVANGRID in New Haven (Connecticut).
Avangrid is the subsidiary company of Iberdrola in the US, of which Iberdrola owns 81.5% of the stock. With more than 7,000 employees in the US, Avangrid works in the transport and electricity distribution sectors (through Avangrid Networks, which operate eight utilities in states on the East Coast and serve 3.1 million clients) and in the wind and solar power facility development sector (through Avangrid Renewables, which operates 6.3 GW of renewable power).
The meeting was chaired by Asís Canales, Director of Purchasing at Iberdrola, and Aitor Lombide, Director of Purchasing at Avangrid, and others like Javier Zarraonandía, Deputy Regional Minister of Industry and Energy of the Basque Country.
Purchasing and Business Development Managers of Avangrid Networks were also at the meeting presenting the main figures and current status of the company. They also talked about the plans to invest in electricity grids over the next few years, including an estimated amount of 6.7 billion dollars in the 2016-20 period, with a large percentage allocated for the modernisation and automation of grids, developing the Smart Grids model.