BALTIC SEA & (OUTER) SPACE. NEW PERSPECTIVE FOR OUR REGION conference took place at the IO PAN in Sopot on September 20, 2018. The conference was attended by representatives of business, science and administration. Arjen Uytendaal, chairmen of the ENMC and Grzegorz Brona, President of the Polish Space Agency, Director Karolina Lipińska. Department of Economic Development. Office of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship and consul Magdalena Pramfelt, honorary consul of Sweden and the Netherlands, president of the Association of Honorary Consuls in Poland and the president of the Polish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce. This conference has therefore an important role for the development of scientific and business cooperation in the Baltic Sea region and in the European Union, were the special guests of the conference.
Conference participants were greeted by Prof. Jan Marcin Węsławski, Director of the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The role of the oceans in climate change and its effects on European seas, The natural and anthropogenic variability of the Baltic Sea environment, Contemporary changes in the coastal ecosystems of shelf seas and Genetic and physiological mechanisms of the functioning of marine organisms; the basics of marine biotechnology, are the main Research Areas nd activities of the Institute informed prof. Węsławski. Undoubtedly, space activity opens new, great possibilities challenges. Not only are these problems associated with technology and technical matters, also with the access to the outer space, safety, legal regulations, administration and management of the outer space – Prof. Edmund Wittbrodt, President of the Space Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk Branch , said during the opening of the conference. Baltic Sea and Space Cluster (BSSC) activity and strategy was presented by Marek Grzybowski, PhD., President of the Baltic Sea & Space Cluster. BSSC is an important Maritime and Space Cluster in Central and Eastern Europe, an active maritime cluster player in the Baltic Sea Region and the EU, as well as a member of the European Network of Maritime Clusters, United Nation Global Compact and The European Cluster Collaboration Platform. The BSSC focuses on transferring knowledge and organizing business, science and administration cooperation in a global and regional scale. The cluster thinks globally and acts globally- said President Marek Grzybowski.
We should recognize that the sea sciences and the outer space sciences are closely inter-related in areas of technology and technics, management and governance, law and policy. Both these perspective have to be viewed in the 21st century in the context of the changing face of integrated system of science and practice – said Prof. Zdzisław BRODECKI, President of the THINK TANK , Baltic Sea & Space Cluster and he stressed that these two fields are increasingly becoming different from what they used to be only a few decades ago. Polish Space Agency (POLSA) is responsible for preparation and implementation of the National Space Programme – an executive programme for Polish Space Strategy prepared and published by polish government in 2017. The goal behind developing and implementing the National Space Programme is to establish competences to fulfil the national needs relating to space technologies and to increase competitiveness on the international market of the polish space sector – infor Grzegorz Brona, PhD., President of the Polish Space Agency. In a comprehensive presentation he presented the development of a space business and the Polish space companies contribution to the development of space technologies.