Submitted by Josep Casamada on 11 February 2022


AEI TÈXTILS, the advanced textile materials’ cluster in Catalonia, has participated at the kick off meeting of the new European Cluster Strategic Partnerships for Excellence: Hi-Tech-TEX - New sustainable and cross-sectorial value chains towards excellence in Hi-Tech Textiles to foster the uptake of innovation and increasing competitiveness.  The meeting was held online on February 7th and 8th.


The Hi-Tech-TEX partnership is composed by six organizations, the Textile Cluster in Portugal, the advanced textile materials’ cluster AEI TÈXTILS in Catalonia, the textile association ATEVAL in Valencia, Next Technology Tecnotessile representing the Tuscany textile cluster in Italy, the technical textiles’ cluster CLUTEX in Czech Republic and Denizli Chamber of Commerce in Turkey.

The project, co-funded under the COSME program from the European Union, aims to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialised eco-systems and cities across Europe, through the implementation of the “ClusterXchange” mobility scheme to generate business and innovation opportunities.

Hi-Tech-TEX ambition is the establishment of new integrated value chains for development, manufacturing and marketing of innovative hi-added value textile solutions. A number of activities will be implemented to create the critical mass of SMEs in the world of technical textiles, establishing a vibrant innovation culture and environment for a more innovative and completive Europe.

In the next 24 months, AEI Tèxtils will take profit of the project to deploy the new cluster strategy, participate in capacity building activities, strengthen the management and opportunities generation for its members and organize several workshops and market studies to exploit new sustainable chains.           

Hi-Tech-TEX provides continuity to CLAMTEX as a strategic project within the cluster to support the competitiveness of its members.  

AEI Tèxtils considers this project as a cornerstone for the long-term innovation capacity of the sector. Clusters act as a hub and as a collaborative environment to facilitate partnership between enterprises, research institutes, policy makers and other institutions that promote innovation and provide SMEs access to new knowledge competencies, resources and markets. 

AEI TÈXTILS and its members’ testimonial:

More information:

Dra. Ariadna Detrell

Tel.: +34 608 864 754 / e-mail: adetrell [at] (adetrell[at]textils[dot]cat) · ·

Cluster organisation
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