AdPack² is the European Strategic Cluster Partnership for going international (ESCP-4i) of the Year 2019
This award provides the opportunity to show an expert jury the results of the efforts and the successful cooperation during the last 4 years. The award for the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships of the Year for Going International (ESCP-4i) was organised by the European Observatory for Cluster and Industrial Change team, in cooperation with the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
AdPack², the European Strategic Cluster Partnership for Advanced Smart Packaging, was the winner of the ESCP-4i of the year 2019. The consortium (Packaging Cluster in Spain, Nanoprogress z.s. in Czech Republic, PLASTIWIN in Belgium, InovCluster - Associação do Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro in Portugal, BalticNet-PlasmaTec e.V. in Germany and Secured Communicating Solutions cluster in France) is really honoured and grateful for receiving this award and it certified the good work of the partnership during the last 4 years in supporting their SME to go international in Europe but also outside Europe (Canada, China, USA).
One of the biggest success during the last 4 years was the establishment of the European legal structure – Ad-Pack EEIG that will be further enlarged and used for facilitation and support of the innovation and internationalisation of the European SMEs.
In June and September, internationalisation missions will be executed together with European SMEs to Canada, USA and China. On these missions MoUs for soft-landing of international collaboration are foreseen to be signed among European SMEs and their counterparts and among Ad-Pack EEIG and clusters, associations and facilitators.
Left: Àlex Brossa – Cluster Manager of Packaging Cluster and AdPack² consortium member
Right: Luboš Komárek – Chairman of Nanoprogress z.s. and AdPack² coordinator