The 5E partners met in Helsinki for the Interim Review Meeting and EFECS 2019

Submitted by Alessia Menduni on 05 December 2019

The Interim Review Meeting of the 5E project was held on 19 November in Helsinki, Finland. The main objective of the meeting was to take stock of the situation on the project progress, the deliverable status and preliminary results carried out by each Work Package.

The main topics covered during the meeting were:

→ The Electronic landscape description and the identification of some opportunities at the interfaces of the 3 electronics areas (nanoelectronics, electronic smart systems and flexible &  wearable electronics). This preliminary analysis is the basis for the development of the Joint vision for the Electronics sector.

→ The preparation of 2 interactive workshops with experts coming from the three Electronics Ecosystems covered by the project.

→ The Cooperation and Internationalisation activities identified.

→ The Outreach strategy state of the art, numbers and figures.

 Project Management issues and the next steps.

The day after the meeting we attended EFECS – the European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems – organised by AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA, EPoSS, ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the European Commission, in association with EUREKA.
We joined the event with a booth dedicated to the 5E project – located in the Digital Industry Area – and with the first 5E workshop on 21 November 2019.

For more information on the 5E project:

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