3D prints biobased protection for healthcare
Swedish healthcare lacks protective equipment due to the corona virus and needs to replenish their supplies. The production unit and test bed The Wood Region are now 3D printing parts for facial protection to help.
The test bed in Sysslebäck, Sweden, the prints holders for facial visors needed by health care personnel.
“We heard that the need was great and started to think about how the cluster could contribute, says Peter Edberg at Paper Province, which co-finances The Wood Region together with, among others, The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Region Värmland and Region Dalarna.
3D printing as a possible solution came up quickly at Paper Province and it turned out that the staff at The Wood Region had the same idea.
From idea to delivery in a week
“Just a few days later production was started and now two printers make more than 100 pieces a week,” says Malin Fleen, who works as a designer and machine operator at The Wood Region.
Normally The Wood Region manufacture a variety of products through additive manufacturing, also called 3D printing, with biocomposite. It is a bio-based material made from wood shavings and corn-starch.
Locally produced
At the same time Paper Province are doing their part by collecting transparent plastic film, that is needed to produce the visors. The parts are sent to a local workshop where the visors get assembled and distributed to healthcare institutions.
“We reached out to local companies and organisations asking for left over plastic film and several have already emptied their storage rooms to contribute”, Peter Edberg adds.
The staff at The Wood Region. From the left: Hans Nilsson, Malin Fleen, Alexsander Nordvall and Roger Andersson.