Andrea Golfieri, EASME; Christophe Guichard, DG Growth European Commission; Marc Pattinson, inno TSD, ECCP coordinator; Bryan Borlik, US Department of Commerce; Tshanda Kalombo, US Department of Commerce; Eva Fadil, inno TSD, ECCP project manager
“The opportunity to meet with European clusters at the Hannover Messe generated huge interest from U.S. clusters and economic development organisations. Many of them told me that they really benefited from exchanging information and learning about European clusters in advanced manufacturing. The matchmaking event was well-organised which allowed the participants to focus on making contacts and establishing relationships.”
Tshanda Kalombo, Department of Commerce, US, co-organiser of the EU-US matchmaking event at Hannover Messe on 24-25 April 2016
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