"In Hungary, the emphasis is placed on supporting clusters showing close and deep cooperation and presence on the international market instead of supporting a large number of new cluster initiatives. the Hungarian clusters are increasingly stronger in the international arena due to the concentration process. In our work, we heavily relied on successful European cluster development models and European standards. Now our clusters have to move towards opening more on the European and global markets and a joint international event like this one can be a huge help in the process.

The cluster policy of other Central and Eastern European countries has also gone through tremendous development over the last decade. As representatives of countries from the Central and Eastern European region we have a key role in making our success stories visible. We can be proud of our achievements and one of our main tasks is to organise such events to prove that cluster success stories are no longer limited to Western European countries.’ Although we have chosen different paths, due to the common historical roots and economic background, our problems and challenges are almost the same."

Péter Keller, Head of Unit, International and Cluster Unit, Managing Authority of Economic Development Programmes, Ministry of Finance, Hungary

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