response package
EU Coronavirus Response Webpage for Industry and SMEs
Find here the European Commission’s economic response to the coronavirus outbreak, ensuring the exchange of essential protective equipment on the internal market, increasing production of medical products as well as by helping affected industries in the mitigation of the effects. The Coronavirus...
European Semester Spring Package: Recommendations for a coordinated Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
The European Commission has proposed country-specific recommendations (CSRs) and privded economic policy guidance to all EU Member States in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The recommendations focus on the most urgent challenges brought about by the pandemic and on relaunching sustainable...
FRANCE: New categories of masks for non-sanitary use
The French government and the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM), with the support of the National French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), have defined two new categories of masks for non-sanitary use: 1. Individual filter...