State and future of the Electronics ecosystem

On 10 June, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus spoke about the development and the importance of the Electronics ecosystem for the European industry. Olivier Chavrier, SCS Cluster, gave an overview of the EU semiconductor market, which is at the heart of the global economy. The sector is very...
Community News

Traceable Pack is committed to a more efficient production of flexible containers through process monitoring

CLIMESA, FITEX, MODACC, PACKAGING CLUSTER and TAI SMART FACTORY participate in the initiative that unites two sectors - textile and packaging - with the common goal of moving towards Industry 4.0 Traceable Pack is investigating the incorporation of Traceability 4.0 in the development, manufacture...
Community News

The Packaging Cluster is accredited as a member of the PIDI network

The PIDI network acts as a link between companies and R&D, with the coordination of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) Among its objectives is the promotion of technological innovation through advice on public aid As a member of the PIDI network, the Packaging Cluster will...
Community News

Developing an RDI cluster service model for SMEs through piloting

The Arctic Development Environments cluster provides businesses in Finnish Lapland a one-stop-shop access point to the expertise and services of its member organisations: universities and research organisations in the region. The cluster supports businesses by helping to improve their processes...

Vulcanus in Europe: Host a Japanese trainee in R&D

The EU-Japan Centre is inviting applications from European Union companies and research centres to host Japanese trainees for a seven-month internship in the EU from late August 2021 until late March 2022 (six months in France from late September). The trainees come from leading Japanese...

Canada meets OWL - Matchmaking Event between German and Canadian SMEs Status message Operating in maintenance mode. Go online. Primary tabs View Edit(active tab) Customize display Devel

On Monday, January 20, 2020, about 15 Canadian AI companies visited it's OWL Clustermanagement to learn about the work of the Leading-Edge Cluster and to establish contacts with local companies. The visit was part of the "Canadian AI and Industry 4.0 R&D Partnering Mission" organised by the Canadian...

Vulcanus in Europe - a scheme for EU companies willing to host a Japanese intern

The EU-Japan Centre is inviting applications from EU companies and research centres to host Japanese trainees for a 6-month internship in the EU from September 2020 to March 2021. The trainees come from leading Japanese universities and are students in engineering or other scientific/high–tech...

Canada changes its support policy to university-industry R&D

Canada has a long-standing culture of funding collaborative industry-university projects. Since 1989, collaborative research projects are funded by the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). This year, the government of Canada has decided to review its funding scheme and to replace the NCE with...

ESMERA: First call for experiment proposals now open!

SMEs developing robotic technologies may now apply for providing solutions to predefined real-life challenges. The respective challenge winners will receive direct financial support through a cascade funding mechanism of up to 200.000 EUR each. The ESMERA Project (European SMEs for Robotic...

Celtic-Plus call for projects

Do you want to access new markets, technologies, and skills? Do you want to gain recognition through your involvement in an international collaborative R&D project? Do you want to work with partners beyond national borders, develop new products or services, or work on pre-competitive research and...

Eurostars-2 programme: Call for Applications

For Clusters with R&D-performing SME members! The next cut-off deadline for Eurostars funding applications is 01 March 2018 at 20:00 CET Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission, co-funded from the national budgets of 36 Eurostars Participating States and Partner...

EUREKA Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects

Deadline for Submission – 25 January 2018 Chile (CORFO), Czech Republic (MEYS), France (Bpifrance), Israel (Israel Innovation Authority), Spain (CDTI-EPE), Sweden (VINNOVA) and Turkey (TÜBITAK) are jointly announcing a Call for proposals for joint R&D projects under the EUREKA program. All parties...