personal nutrition

Community News

AURORA: FoodValley NL Personalised Nutrition Position Paper

An Ecosystem-aligned Definition of Personalised Nutrition Everyone is different. This is certainly true when it comes to nutrition and health. Foods that seem to have no effect on one person may be a way to illness or disease for another. Good advice may be perceived completely differently...
Community News

Three award-winning initiatives on reduction and prevention obesity through personalized nutrition

Today three initiatives received the new Booster award, an incentive for initiatives that support the reduction and prevention of obesity employing personalized nutrition tools. The winners - Happy Feet on Healthy Food, J.A.App (Juvenile Antiobesity App) and Ready to (h)eat meals tailored to gut...

INCluSilver: call for financial support to third parties

INCluSilver, a 4.2 M EUR project financed through the H2020 INNOSUP-1-2016 call "Cluster facilitated projects for new value chains", aims at supporting the collaboration between actors belonging to the different sectors, to create the right conditions for generating and validating innovative ideas...