offshore wind
Community News
Las empresas canarias coordinan su estrategia comercial de cara a la Wind Europe Bilbao 2022
Las empresas canarias interesadas en la energía eólica marina se presentarán unidas bajo una misma marca en la Wind Europe Bilbao 2022, una de las ferias más importantes del mundo especializada en este sector. Así se ha puesto de manifiesto ayer y hoy en las dos sesiones de los ‘Desayunos Renovables...
Community News
ELBE Alliance signs a MoU with the US Business Network for Offshore Wind
The 25th of August, 2021, ELBE Alliance signed a Memorandum of Understanding with US Business Network for Offshore Wind in the framework of IPF, in Virginia, USA. The MoU is focused on supporting collaboration initiatives among both organisations and their members in the offshore wind sector. The...
Share your views on European offshore renewable energy strategy
In the context of the preparation of the European offshore renewable energy strategy, the European Commission is organising a stakeholder webinar on 9 July to exchange views on key issues and ways forward to support the step up and long-term sustainable development of this sector. A draft agenda of...
Ørsted & Northland Power Awarded 1,664 Megawatts In Taiwan’s Second Offshore Wind Auction Round
June 25th, 2018 by Joshua S Hill, published on The Taiwan Bureau of Energy announced last week the winners of its second offshore wind auction, awarding 1,664 megawatts in offshore wind capacity to Danish wind energy developer Ørsted and Canadian...