Matchmaking; Clusters
Deadline extended - EU-Korea Cluster Matchmaking Event
APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR THE EU-KOREA CLUSTER MATCHMAKING EVENT! The European Cluster Coooperation Platform organises a Cluster Matchmaking Event within the context of the European Utility Week on 6-8 November 2018 with a delegation from Korea to the EU, as well as opportunities for Intra...
Great results achieved through ECCP cluster matchmaking events
The ECCP team has conducted an assessment of the mid-term results achieved through the ten cluster matchmaking events supported by ECCP in 2016-2017. These events aimed to foster the cooperation and establishment of partnerships between European cluster organisations, as well as with third-country...
European Cluster Matchmaking Event 2018: new opportunities for cross-sectoral cooperation
With over 525 bilateral meetings between European Clusters, the ECCP Matchmaking Event has clearly met the expectations of the 130-participating cluster organisations from 22 countries. These clusters represent more than 10.000 SMEs in Europe that will benefit from the contacts and the concrete...