European Commission launches online guidance tools on trade with Iran
The European Commission has launched two free online platforms to support businesses, particularly Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), who want to trade with Iran. The Due Diligence Helpdesk provides concrete, tailor-made support to European Union (EU) SMEs by checking if specific business...
High Level Mission of Commissioner Hogan to Saudi Arabia and Iran with Business Delegation – 7-12 November 2017
Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan will be visiting Saudi Arabia and Iran in the period 7-12 November 2017 accompanied by a delegation of senior representatives of European companies/producer organisations of the agri-food sector. This trip will combine official visits by...
Industry 4.0 The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Industry 4.0 targets putting together University researchers and experts from companies in a brainstorming environment towards analysing the new technological elements, understanding the trends and foreseeing the Fourth Industrial Revolution brought up by connectivity, social-ability and several...
Successful follow-up of the EU-IRAN Cluster Matchmaking event for the SMEs in our cluster
Vincent CIVITA is the ARIA NORMANDY Cluster Manager. In October 2016, he participated in the EU-IRAN Cluster Cooperation Matchmaking Event organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and coordinated by the European Cluster...