international markets
Participate in a study on intra-cluster market intelligence
To bring key cluster issues to light, the University of Valencia has launched a survey on cluster internationalisation. According to past investigations, cluster members’ marketing cooperation and internationalisation are among the key challenges faced by cluster managers. The findings from this...
ELBE EUROCLUSTER has opened the first window of the call for Financial Support To Individual Services
The first window of the call for Financial Support To Individual Services of ELBE EUROCLUSTER is now open! The budget of this call is €220.000, which will be spent in two windows, each of €110.000. For each window, a minimum of 11 individual services will be supported (up to €10.000 each). Types of...
Community News
ICBUILD international mission to Canada!
ICBUILD Consortium and SMEs from Italy, Serbia, Poland, Slovenia and Hungary participated in the international mission in Toronto, Canada from 29.11.2023 to 01.12.2023 organized by ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance and SIPH Polish Construction Cluster in collaboration with the Italian Chamber...
Community News
The Champion SMEs of the 3rd call of the project F2F Health Matters have been selected!
The Champion SMEs of the call for the third target country, the United Arab Emirates were selected by the F2F Health Matters project consortium. SMEs get the opportunity to expand their business and to start a new internationalisation journey. Three types of dedicated internationalisation support...
INNOWWIDE Call 2 for applications for Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) in international markets
Deadline for application: 31 March, 2020 The Horizon 2020 (H2020) funded INNOWWIDE pilot Coordination and Support Action (CSA) aims to bring innovative European SMEs to the forefront of international markets by funding Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) in cooperation with local stakeholders...
Startup Europe for Growth Call for Proposals
A budget of EUR 10 million will be distributed among ecosystems builders and leaders who want to work with other ecosystems across Europe. We are looking for organisations aiming at connecting local tech startup ecosystems and supporting cross-border activities. Among the 4-5 startups ecosystems...