EU Report


Interreg's factsheet on the Mediterranean Green Growth community

Are you interested in how EU regions are adapting to the green transition? The Green Growth Community (GGC) promotes sustainable development and management of natural resources in the Mediterranean by enhancing cross-sectoral innovation practices through an integrated approach. Their methodology is...

The Advanced Technologies for Industry project publishes a report on advanced technologies in China

As part of its International Reports, the Advanced Technologies for Industry (ATI) project has analysed the uptake of advanced technologies in China. The objective of the ATI international reports is to explore the technology and policy landscape of selected non-European countries. Country...

Read the European Commission's SME performance review

The SME performance review is one of the main tools the European Commission uses to monitor and assess countries' progress in implementing the SME strategy and the Small Business Act (SBA). The review provides comprehensive information on the performance of SMEs in EU countries and other partner...

Recommendations for cluster policies to boost resilience and foster the green and digital transitions

The European Expert Group on Clusters recently published a recommendation report on how to use clusters to boost the green and digital transitions and resilience. The report contains 15 specific recommendations, along with examples of good practices. It offers ideas for policymakers at European...

Report: EU trade agreements in place deliver tangible benefits

On November 9th, 2017 the Commission has published a report assessing the implementation of its existing trade agreements. The objective of the report is to analyse the results of the implementation and enforcement, in year 2016, of 25 EU trade agreements and to allow for future open discussion on...