€6m Cluster Excellence Programme call for proposals launched
A €6 million call for proposals has been launched looking for partnerships that could strengthen management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic connections between clusters across Europe. Open exclusively to organisations registered, or having submitted a registration request, to the...
Community News
5 members of AEI Tèxtils presented in the CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace with over 180 participants
More than 180 participants registered to the CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace: Towards industry 4.0 in the textile industry organized between January 20th and February 24th with a total of 6 webinars and 6 matchmaking sessions. The event was organized by the European Cluster Strategic Partnership for...
The very first European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Excellence
On behalf of the Clusters Team of the DG GROW, we would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to the very first European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Excellence (ESCP-4X)! We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 13 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Excellence (ESCP-4X) selected under the...